Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 1/17: What good deed must I do to have eternal life? Mt.19:16

I’ve got a question, and it’s not a Biblical one, but one that continues to baffle me: “Why is it that churches all across America today so routinely use the term, “Grace”, but then effectively redefine it by what they teach?” What do I mean? First off, let me reiterate the Bible’s definition of “Grace”. … [Read more…]
Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 1/10: What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Mk. 8:36
Sometimes pure logic is translated by others as insignificant illogic. Take for example, my son. Andrew, who like his dad before him, was not exactly a stellar college student. Yea, he graduated with a 3.0, which is good, but it’s certainly short of great. But what would torque me was when he would bring home … [Read more…]
Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 1/3: If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Ro.8:31
When the “handwriting on the wall” for my departure from my previous pastorate couldn’t be more clear, one of my friends said to me, “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back”. Days later, I resigned – and that friend has barely spoken to me since. Then last New Year’s, another friend wrote to me something similar: … [Read more…]