Sermon Synopsis for 5/8 (Mother’s Day): We’ve given up everything to follow You? What will we get? Mt. 19:27


super-951190_960_720Few folks anywhere would disagree that most moms everywhere give up a whole lot of personal stuff for the sake of their families. Many walked away from the workplace in order to raise young children. Some totally relinquished a chosen career path. Most willingly forfeited at least some alone time to do whatever their big heart desired. And we all know why: they wanted to ensure that their children’s needs – and I would add, their husband’s needs – got met.

Everyone else within the family routinely took precedence. Moms by God’s Design are selfless; even despite the Fall of mankind when all us became more skewed in the direction of egocentrism.

I’ve often wondered if Jesus had invited just one woman to be a member of His elite inner circle of 12 disciples, if she would’ve echoed their self-serving bent. The Apostle Peter voiced what the rest all felt, “What’s in it for me?” Essentially he pled, “Since I’m pouring a whole lot of my energy and resources into this Kingdom Plan of Yours, Jesus, I better get something in return.”

I can’t picture a mom even thinking this. But we’ll never know – this side of eternity. Nevertheless, please visit this Mother’s Day Sunday to learn what is in store for all those, men and women alike, who so faithfully serve the Lord.
