Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, September 6th: “Celebrate Our Lord With Praise and Prayer”

Whenever there are five Sundays in a month(August 30th switched to September 6th), we celebrate our Lord in a different fashion. Instead of the usual order of service that includes a 30-minute sermon, our Praise Band leads us in singing several contemporary songs that are interspersed with prayers of thanksgiving and praise “from the floor.” … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, August 30th: “SPIRIT to Spirit” (Part 3)

We’ve all probably wished we had enjoyed the privilege of attending some notable historical event. Maybe you would’ve liked to have stood in solemn respect on that battlefield in Gettysburg when our then President Lincoln delivered his immortal address, or sat with awe inside Westminster Abbey during Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, or golfed on the … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, August 23rd: “SPIRIT to Spirit” (Part 2)

We’ve all heard and probably wrestled with the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” I’m going to slightly modify this question to better reflect reality: “Why do bad things happen to all people?” Nobody lives their entire lifetime without periodic episodes of bad things blindsiding us at the most unwelcome times. I guess you’ve … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, August 9th: “The Spirit Within”

Whether it happens spontaneously in casual Christian conversations or purposefully during planned Bible studies, the topic of the Holy Spirit’s Work almost always gravitates to this one subject: the spiritual gifts. Now I don’t argue that this is an important Theological subject, but I submit to you it’s not the most important surrounding the Spirit’s … [Read more…]