Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, October 3rd: “Getting Along with Everyone – Part 4”


Perhaps you read about the old woman who had gone for her usual, leisurely morning walk in the woods, but got bitten by a stray dog. Requiring immediate medical attention, she hightailed it to the ER where the staff cleaned her off and stitched her up.

But about a week later and her leg looking worse than at first, she paid a rush visit to her primary care physician and there learned she had contracted rabies. Her doctor broke the even more shattering news to her that there was nothing he or anyone else could do, the illness had passed the point of no remedy. He instructed her to get her things in order, even asking her if she had a will.

She confessed she did not and so she asked her doctor for a pen, whereupon she immediately took to writing. After several minutes he interrupted her and commented, “That’s quite a long will you’re writing,” to which she snorted back, “Will, nothing! I’m making a list of people who I’m going to bite.”
