Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, November 7th: “One Strange Servant – Part 2”


The Taliban has reclaimed the international spotlight for having retaken control of the Afghan government that it held back in the 1990’s. Consequently, Sharia Law is now fast becoming the law of the land. Now most of us have heard of the possible infringements on women’s rights, but we may not be near as aware of the trimming of barber’s rights. (Pun intended.) The Taliban shuttered the entire barbershop business in Helmand, one of the country’s southern provinces. News reports tell us that the Taliban banned – fitting name for Tali-ban – the shaving or even trimming of one’s beard.

When we learn of circumstances like this one, we’re prone to mull over the question, “How much control should any government have over its people?” Of course, we’re wrestling over this very matter here in America with respect to Covid vax mandates. (No, I’m not going there.)

Have I piqued your interest? Why not come this Sunday and have it satisfied as we continue with Part 2 of our study, “One Strange Servant?”
