Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 3/6: “What is Truth?” Jn. 18:38

We’ve just come through another Super Tuesday when 12 states held their primary or caucus to indicate which person within their political party they deem the lesser of liars. Isn’t this a sad state of affairs whenever major election time rolls around that we find ourselves asking, “Who do I trust?” Not so long ago, … [Read more…]

Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 2/7: Does Your Faith Work?

Back in 1517, Martin Luther caused an eruption within the Catholic Church. His primary grievance zeroed in on his phrase, “sola fide”, “by faith alone”. What was Dr. Luther’s agenda? He was merely seeking to “reform” the Church he loved; hence the “Reformation”. However, his protest got the PROTESTant Church-ball rolling. Six centuries later, Faith … [Read more…]