Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 2/14: What is the Greatest Commandment? Mt. 22:36


I remember back in my elementary school days when on Feb. 14th, all my classmates joined me in sending out Valentine Cards. Back then you weren’t obligated to send one to every student (you couldn’t afford to send one to every student!); you could pick and choose – which is what I had done annually.

I’d send mine to that cute little girl on whom I had had a crush for that particular year. Over the years, I had sent out nearly a dozen  – all unrequited. So as I got older – and wiser – as my allergy to the pain of rejection only intensified, I thought about sending one to Someone Who did love me back.

So here’s the card I’m sending Jesus on Valentine’s Day 2016:

“Roses are blood red like Your cross, Precious Lord, Your Love unmistakable, on me lavishly poured. Violets are true blue like Your Faithfulness to me, so may my life be my valentine scripted to Thee.”

You know what writes better than any Valentine Card? A Valentine life; a  life lived to Jesus’ pleasure, the kind of life that says, “I love You, Lord.”

Why not visit us this coming Sunday to hear more about the Valentine Card Jesus would love to receive from each one of us?
