Sermon Synopsis November 12th: “Best Dressed Christians” (Part 2)”

Even our regular attenders don’t know our church’s official dress code. This is because we don’t have one. Our church by-laws remain completely silent on this subject. So, we wear nothing then. Kidding. What we mean by our purposeful omission is that we make no demands on what anyone should wear – taking into consideration, … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis November 5th: “Best Dressed Christians” (Part 1)”

I believe we can whittle down our contemporary celebration of Halloween to two essentials: #1: free candy; lots of it and more calories than our kids could ever count. And #2: fantasy-to-freaky costumes; kids getting the opportunity to present themselves in a wannabe identity – though hopefully not in some subliminal alter-ego outfit. I get … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis October 29th: “Trick or Treatise?”

In just 2 days, we’re all going to be inundated with the annual swarm of costumed kids knocking at our doors, reciting those hollow-ween words, “Trick or Treat;” hollow because no kid comes prepared to do a trick anymore. They’re banging on our doors for one thing and one thing only, “a candy treat!” On … [Read more…]

Sunday October 15th: Praise & Prayer Service

Whenever there are five Sundays in a month, we celebrate our Lord in a different fashion. Instead of the usual order of service that includes a 30-minute sermon, our Praise Band leads us through about a dozen contemporary songs that are interspersed with prayers of thanksgiving and praise “from the floor.” This week we will … [Read more…]