Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 11/15: Am I my brother’s keeper? Ge.4:4

Not all siblings get along. Many of us remember the Andrews Sisters, LaVerne, Maxene and Patty. Back in the turbulent 1930’s and 40’s, when the world was imploding with a 2nd world war within a quarter century, the Andrews Sisters brought some much-needed entertainment through music and film. They reached stardom with such hits as … [Read more…]

Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 11/08: Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Lu.20:22

Someone made the astute observation that reflects our nation’s sociological evolution: “America is still the land of opportunity. Everybody can become a taxpayer.”   The subject of taxation in our good ole US of A has become the brunt of many-a-one-liner. Here’s a smattering: “The path of our civilization is paved with tax receipts.” “A … [Read more…]