Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 11/08: Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Lu.20:22


taxes-646512_640Someone made the astute observation that reflects our nation’s sociological evolution: “America is still the land of opportunity. Everybody can become a taxpayer.”


The subject of taxation in our good ole US of A has become the brunt of many-a-one-liner. Here’s a smattering: “The path of our civilization is paved with tax receipts.” “A fool and his money are soon parted. The rest of us wait until income tax time.” “Congress has done some strange things. It puts a high tax on liquor and then raises other taxes that drive people to drink.” How ’bout one more: “Congress has the unsolved problem of how to get people to pay taxes they can’t afford for services they don’t need.”

We’ve been studying some of the “Great Questions of the Bible”. Come this Sunday to learn what is our responsibility to our government, especially in light of this: that on this very day next year, we’ll all have the opportunity to go to the polls to cast our votes for persons we deem most suitable to lead and govern our country, including the highest office in our land.
