Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 11/01: Where can I flee from Your Presence? Ps.139:7


Moms are a lot like God in this one spooky respect. When I was a kid, I learned early on that the old wives tale about moms having eyes in the back of their head, doesn’t come anywhere close to reality! I’d be upstairs, doing something I shouldn’t have been doing, and mom would be downstairs, clearly out of sight-range, busy cooking or cleaning. Then out of nowhere, I’d hear her voice pierce the air: “I see you”. No way! My mom had eyes on bedroom walls and hall closets!

For the past several weeks, we’ve been studying together some of the “Great Questions of the Bible”. This Sunday’s question forewarns us that even what moms can’t see, God does! The question? “Where can I flee from Your Presence?”

Please come this Sunday to learn from Psalm139 that there is great encouragement in the knowledge that God sees even more than our moms see.
