Sermon Synopsis December 24th: “One Extraordinary Announcement”

At the heart of Christmas is a birth. “Really Bob? Didn’t know that.   “Hold on. Stay with me.” Sometimes in the grasp of the obvious, we fail to see the magnitude of the import. Think about this: If Jesus had been born in the 16th century, then Martin Luther, in informing the religious community, may have nailed … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis November 19th: “One Body Under God”

I suspect most reading this can recite that most memorable line from Alexandre Dumas’ classic historical novel, “The Three Musketeers:” “All for one and one for all.” It was their rallying cry that signaled their solidarity. Together, they’d engage their enemies as one, wielding their swords united; regardless how insurmountably lopsided the odds stacked against … [Read more…]