Sermon Synopsis Sunday June 10: “The Anti-Defilement Diet”


Weight Watcher’s, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Atkins, Ketogenic – we all know what these are: false hope. Kidding. They’re diet plans. Many of them have worked for many people while others have tried many of these plans (and others) and none have worked.

Many friends and acquaintances over the years have asked me what diet plan I use – primarily because I have maintained my body weight within a 15 lb. range since going off to college 47 years ago. I ought to market my plan because it’s been so effective; it’s just not very enticing. I haven’t named it yet, but if I had, it would be something like, “The Pain Diet.” It operates on an adaptation to the familiar adage: “No pain, no gain.” In my diet, it’s “Nagging pain, nary gain.” You see, anytime I’d tack on as little as 5 lbs., my back pain would intensify disproportionately.

Come this Sunday, I’m going to lay out an ancient diet plan that accomplished much more than its targeted end. Why not visit as we launch our summer sermon series on the prophetic book of Daniel in a message I’ve entitled, “The Anti-Defilement Diet?”
