Sermon Synopsis Sunday June 17: “Once Upon A Nightmare”


Throughout my adolescence and continuing through much of my adult life, I’d often go to bed and see this recurrent dream disrupt my sleep; a nightmare actually. I was being chased by some unrecognized assailant. He’d be leaping into the air in an effort to grab my ankles – to do who knows what?? Why my ankles? Because my instinctual “Fight or Flight” response opted for the flight mode. (I’m no fighter.) In my dream, I’d be flying like a bird; frantically flapping my arms to escape. Not unusually, I’d wake up panting and sweating.

One of history’s most notorious dictators also had a dream, but like mine, his too, was a nightmare. Now we’re not told if he woke up panting and sweating, but those to whom he related his dream sure were.

Why not attend this Sunday morning to learn more about this nightmare? Though I can’t promise, you may not have one Sunday night – just kidding.
