Sermon Synopsis for Sunday January 13th: “Paul’s Salient Salutation”

66 superlative, life-and-eternity-changing writings, all interwoven into one consummate book – wherein we need no other! The Bible shares no rival. But admittedly, parts of it are hard to understand, as in “just warfare,” while other sections, as in the genealogical records, seem to benefit only for cases of insomnia. Now God did not do … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for Sunday January 6th: “Faith Family Fellowship 2019 Praise and Vision”

On the first Sunday of every new year, our elders sculpt a corporate worship time that blends three very meaningful spiritual exercises: we praise our Lord for Who He is and all He’s done, we pray to our Lord for pardon, protection and provision, and we project to the congregation our vision, which includes unveiling … [Read more…]