Sermon Synopsis for Sunday January 13th: “Paul’s Salient Salutation”


66 superlative, life-and-eternity-changing writings, all interwoven into one consummate book – wherein we need no other! The Bible shares no rival. But admittedly, parts of it are hard to understand, as in “just warfare,” while other sections, as in the genealogical records, seem to benefit only for cases of insomnia.

Now God did not do this, and I certainly do not presume that He should have, but had He revealed but just one of those 66, I submit to you it could have been this one: Paul’s letter to the Church in Rome, for it unveils to us what we most need to know to become and remain, “Right in God’s Sight.”

This phrase, taken directly from Paul’s letter, is going to serve as our title for our 2019 sermon series. That’s right, we will spend all this year “digging even deeper” into this incredible literary work. Why not attend this coming Sunday morning to begin this venture with us as we begin our yearlong study with the sermon I’ve entitled, “Paul’s Salient Salutation.”
