Sermon Synopsis for Sunday December 30th: “The WORD was Explained”




When we first launched Faith Family Fellowship in 2013, we “preached” a Children’s mini-sermon during every worship service. On this one Sunday, one of my fellow elders, Dave Shadle, asked my wife, Mari, to pinch-hit for our usual presenter. Why Mari? Because she has wowed more than a few crowds with her adept knowledge of the sport of football. NOT!! Mari’s five-minute message that morning became one for the ages. I know – because I aged a great deal just listening to it.

Now truthfully, I don’t remember much about the message itself, because my mind was already updating my resume. But one thing I do remember was the main point. Mari referenced those men in jailbird outfits who periodically pulled from their back pockets this little yellow rag, then ceremoniously threw it on the ground before demonstrably waving their arms as though trying to steer a plane onto the field.

But it’s what happened immediately thereafter to which Mari drew our focused attention; or should I say, what didn’t happen next? The game came to an abrupt halt. Everything stopped and every eye in the stadium converged on those jailbirds who decided to convene a meeting right then and there.

Without pausing but a second, Mari redirected our attention to our homes. She advised every mom to start carrying a little yellow rag, stuffed in her back pocket. Then when the kids – or her husband – does something wrong, she rips out her little yellow rag and tosses right into the middle of the misdeed. Immediately everything will stop. Mari assures us – based on the model of those jailbirds.

Now let me tell you what Mari didn’t do on that day: she didn’t explain football – at all. Those who knew little about the sport when came in, knew even less when went out; and those us who once fully knew and loved the sport when we entered, we wondered if we could ever sit and watch another referee ever call a penalty again and not plummet into deep depression. We ran Dave Shadle out of the state!

If you want someone to explain a particular subject to a particular audience, please look for a knowledgeable person on the subject. Bring in Mari for a lesson in baking or educating parents of children diagnosed with autism. Don’t bring her in to explain either football or prison reform.

When God wanted to explain Deity to mankind, He sent the most Knowledgeable Person on the subject: Himself! Who better than God could describe God? Who better than God could tell man what He is like, and what He desires? In a nutshell, this explains Christmas. Why not come out this Sunday morning as we wrap up both our Christmas sermon series and the year? I promise you, I won’t be carrying any little yellow flags in my hip pocket to toss at you.
