Sermon Synopsis for Sunday December 23rd: “The WORD was Rejected”


Suzie Frey abandoned me when my bicycle tire blew out; I was in 7th grade. Jeannie Plybon simply cut me off one day – no reason ever given; that was 8th grade. Janice Hunsberger said I took her breath away – because mine was so bad; 9th grade. Debbie Scott dropped me for an older guy; that too was 9th grade. Gail Stretch chased me till she caught me, then chased me off; 10th grade. Carol Gross, after a while, must have thought I was – gross, that is; 11th grade. Janice Highley got a prom out of me; dumped me that very night; 12th grade. I’m not even going to retrace my college dating debacles; just too depressing.

Now lest you think I have no point but to elicit your sympathy, I really do have one: I know rejection. I know what it feels like to be abandoned by the fairer sex whom I presumed liked me. But please hear me loud and clear when I say I realize how woefully pathetic was my parade of girlfriend rejections compared to the infinitely greater rejection we’re going to learn about this coming Sunday morning. Why not attend so you can hear more about how the Christ-Child was rejected by His fellow man when He showed up at earth’s doorstep two millennia ago?
