Guest Speakers, Sunday November 15th: Zacharia & Stevana Estime from New Life Missions-Haiti Inc. “Keeping Faith During Difficult Times”


Born in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti, Zak Estime grew up in a home that honored the Lord Jesus. At a young age, he recognized his own personal need to trust Jesus as his personal Savior. Now fast forward a few decades, God orchestrated that Zak would meet and marry Pennsylvania born-and-raised, Stevie, and together they would return to his beloved homeland and open up an orphanage where they are raising their own children, adopting others and giving eternal hope to all who enter its doors.

Zak and Stevie join us this Sunday to update our church family with the missionary work they are doing in Haiti; and Zak will open up the Word to us in a message he’s entitled, “Keeping Faith During Difficult Times.” Please join us in-person or via livestream and be encouraged.

New Life Mission Haiti
