Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, August 9th: “The Spirit Within”


Whether it happens spontaneously in casual Christian conversations or purposefully during planned Bible studies, the topic of the Holy Spirit’s Work almost always gravitates to this one subject: the spiritual gifts. Now I don’t argue that this is an important Theological subject, but I submit to you it’s not the most important surrounding the Spirit’s manifold ministries. What concerns me is that this more important subject doesn’t receive its due consideration in comparison. And just what subject is this? The Holy Spirit’s empowering us to live victoriously over sin. Consider this: what good is it to exercise our spiritual gifts if we’re stumbling all over our sinful selves? All we’d be doing is negating their very purpose in building up God’s Kingdom.

Why not join us this Sunday morning to dig deeper into this critically important matter of the Holy Spirit’s empowerment for our sanctification?
