Sermon Synopsis for Sunday November 25th: “Is the Bible All We Need to Know?”


According to a recent study by “Pew Research,” the average American reads four books per year. This statistic finds me pretty – average. Now of course, this research encompassed books of every genre, everything from fiction to non-fiction, from sci-fi to self-help, from mysteries to biographies, and from romance to religion.

But more important than the question regarding, “How much do we read?” concerns the question, “Why do read?” Some people read because they like to read; it’s entertainment for them, much like watching TV or playing some video game is for others. Others read because they’re fascinated by some historical event or notable person. Others read because they want to better themselves.

For the past several weeks, we’ve been studying how we received the “The Book Above All Books,” the Bible; how it began as a Thought in God’s Mind in eternity past and ended up in printed form in our hands during this the 21st century.

How very appropriate for this Thanksgiving weekend! because the Bible should rank near the top of our personal “Grateful List.” Why not attend this Sunday morning as we address the profoundly significant and relevant question: “Is the Bible All We Need to Know?”
