Sermon Synopsis for Sunday November 18th: “How Do We Interpret the Bible?”


To say that my wife remains less than enamored with football is a gross understatement. To her, this favorite American pastime is but a melee of grown men (notice, she doesn’t say mature men), adorned in colorful leotards and oversized hard hats, attacking the weirdest shaped ball she’s ever seen. She insists there is neither rhyme nor reason to this testosterone fracas.

Now I’ve tried in vain to argue otherwise and tell her that she’d be much closer to the truth if there wasn’t this essential document called the “Rule Book;” that manuscript that gives Football its definition, its purpose and its structure. Just imagine what the game would look like if everybody interpreted the rules as they individually saw fit. Mari’s view of football would be universal.

In the game God created, the game of Life, He too wrote a Rule Book; it’s called the “Bible.” It too instructs, but in its case, it instructs regarding the definition to life, the purpose for living and the structure for how to live. Therefore, it’s crucial we understand just how to interpret this Book. Why not attend this Sunday to learn some basic principles how?
