Sermon Synopsis for Sunday 11/11: “Are There Errors in the Bible?”


Some of you who are reading this hail from churches where the Bible is revered more as an historical treasure than the inspired Word of God; meaning that your church doesn’t believe the Bible is anything more than the product of spiritually revved-up men as opposed to the Product of the Omniscient God Who transferred His “Mind and Heart” through those men.

Our church unreservedly believes that God “wrote” this Book through men’s hands. Sister churches that share this conviction logically deduce that since God is its True Author, and He is Truth Personified, then the Bible must be free from error.
Dr. Joseph M. Holden, President of Veritas Evangelical Seminary, concisely summarizes our belief in this doctrine when he writes, “Inerrancy is the fundamental of the fundamentals. Only divinely inspired and inerrant Scripture guarantees the truth and authority of the doctrines that flow from them. Only then can the Church rest assured that when the Bible speaks, God speaks.”

Why not attend this Sunday to hear why we believe the Bible contains no errors – which then gives us all the confidence to trust that what it says is what God has spoken?
