Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, October 28th: “Can We Trust the Bible?”



At the heart of the Christian Faith is this cardinal tenet that a man named Jesus was conceived apart from the laws of biology and performed a slew of supernatural works; like treading on very thin ice – water actually – and raising dead people to life. Yet though he was a very good man, even innocent of the serious charges leveled against him, he was crucified on the basis of those charges. Then three days later, he stepped out of a crypt.

The Bible then goes on to tell us that unless we believe in this virgin-born and miracle-working man’s unjust death and purported resurrection, we’ll miss out on going to Heaven when we depart this life.

Did you catch all that? Let me couch all this in a different way: 2000 years ago, a guy whom we never met, who supposedly entered the world without any daddy’s donation, eventually suffered a torturous execution for something he didn’t deserve so that anyone can enjoy a pathway to Heaven someday. “Right! This is nuts! But it’s what Christians believe, right?”

Why is this what Christians believe? Because the Bible says so. Well, how do we know that what the Bible teaches is True? How do we know we can count on all it conveys? Or more simply put, how do we know the Bible deserves our trust?

Ponder for a moment, all the fallout from the Christian Faith if the Bible can’t be trusted: Are sins truly forgiven? Does the Holy Spirit really take up His lodging within every believer’s life? Can these same folks truly experience daily victories over sins’ manifold temptations? Can anyone really go to Heaven when they pass? For that matter, is there a Heaven at all?

Why not visit this Sunday as we seek to answer the question, “Can We Trust the Bible?” knowing that everything about the Christian Faith hangs in the balance of its integrity.
