Sermon Synopsis for Sunday October 14: “How Did God Make Himself Known?”


I don’t think I’m overstating a probability when I say that most people in our culture believe in God; and by this I simply mean, that He exists as something more than just some Grand Idea or Eternal Metaphysical Absolute. In most people’s mind, God is a Real Person.

I believe I can safely add to this assertion that most people agree that this God is a good God. But what makes God good in our individual minds? Answer: how He deals with mankind in general and us in particular. He nourishes us with food. He protects us with shelter. He guides us with non-random cosmic occurrences. God is good.

I submit further that God is good because He didn’t create us to then abandon us to live apart from Him. He created us to enjoy friendship with Him. And how do we know this? Because He told us so in His written correspondence.

Last week we began a new sermon series that I’ve entitled, “The Book Above All Books.” God has unveiled Himself, His Character and His Kingdom Program thru the Bible. This Sunday we will be asking and answering the question: “How did God make Himself known” through this unique Book? Why not attend this Sunday to learn more?
