Sermon Synopsis for Sunday October 7th: “How Did We Get Our Bibles?”



We live in a day when it’s impossible to believe everything we read. With the plethora of self-serving agendas out there, as well as an equal or greater number of charlatans who are looking out for #1, and a boatload of mutually-exclusive ideologies all touting to be the final word, it’s getting more and more difficult to pick up a good religious book and feel good about it. We wonder if reading it will somehow make us better people?

This Sunday, we begin our Fall sermon series. Our church motto throughout 2018 has been, “Digging Deeper – Beaming Brighter.” But this motto begs the question, “Digging deeper into what?” At our church, we believe the answer to this question is the Bible. And why? Because we believe that behind its 40+ human authors, the True Author is none other than God Himself; which explains why I have entitled this series, “The Book Above All Books.” 19th century Secretary of State, Daniel Webster, captured this essence with these words: “The Bible fits man for life and prepares him for death.”

Over the course of the next two months, we will address such key questions as, “How did God write the Bible?” “Can we trust the Bible?” and “How do we interpret the Bible?” In launching our sermon series this Sunday, we will begin with an overview: “How did we get our Bibles?” a question that deals with the matter of Process. So please begin this new venture with us as we begin our study into “The Book Above All Books.”

