Faith Family Fellowship VBS July 31st thru August 4th Answers in Genesis “the Sanctity of Life VBS Zoomerang”

    Faith Family Fellowship VBS, Answers in Genesis “the Sanctity of Life VBS Zoomerang” August 1st thru August 5th Join us for “the Sanctity of Life” VBS Zoomerang this summer! July 31st thru August 4th, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Be prepared to experience the jaw-dropping beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, the arid … [Read more…]

Guest Speaker Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, April 24th: “Three (3) Insights to Our Prayer Life: Responses, Requests and Relationships James 5:13-18”

Please join us this Sunday morning at 10 AM as Fred Jacoby, Director and Counselor of Foundation Christian Counseling speaks on “Three (3) Insights to Our Prayer Life: Responses, Requests and Relationships James 5:13-18”.  Our prayer lives can tell us an awful lot about our relationship with God, and even others. In today’s message, we’ll … [Read more…]