Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, May 22nd: “Parting is Such Sour Joy”


Standing before her opened balcony window, Juliet bid her new love, Romeo, farewell with these now immortal words, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” Now she could declare these tender words because she believed in her heart of hearts that she would see her beloved again on the morrow.

Come this Sunday, my next-to-last as the pastor of Faith Family Fellowship, I’ll not be able to echo her words with equal sincerity. Oh, not because I believe I’ll never see my church family ever again, because I know I will. Perhaps not on this side of Life, but I will!!

But come this Sunday, the pending parting won’t feel so sweet for me. So I’ll be sharing my parting challenge in the message I’ve entitled more aptly, “Parting is such sour joy.” Why not come out and join us to hear what I still deem, after 40 years in ministry, as of preeminent importance?
