Sermon Synopsis for 3/19:”Treasures on Earth and Heaven”
With tongue in cheek, 20th century American poet, Richard Armour, captured what we all know to be largely true: “Workers earn it, spendthrifts burn it. Bankers lend it, women spend it.” (I’m merely quoting here, ladies.) “Forgers fake it, taxes take it. The dying leave it, heirs receive it. The thrifty save it, others crave … [Read more…]
Sermon Synopsis for 3/12:“Going into Labor” (A Study in Work Ethic)
God etched 10 Commandments on stone some 3500 years ago for all mankind to live by. The 4th of these universal Commands reads, “Honor the Sabbath Day to keep it holy.” But nestled within its protracted explanation, God speaks a word about our labor, what we do for a living in order to pay our … [Read more…]
Sermon Synopsis for 3/5: “The Woman at the Well”
This Sunday’s Guest Preacher: Rich Demeter The troubled woman had a long history of broken relationships: Five failed marriages and a current relationship too weak for commitment. Think of the angry, hateful words she must have heard. Think of the rejection and abandonment she probably went through. Each failure pulled her farther down, until maybe … [Read more…]
Sermon Synopsis for 2/26: “Let the Words of My Mouth”
A Greek philosopher once asked his servant to prepare the best possible dish ever. So the servant whipped up a platter of tongue and served his master explaining, “It is the best of all dishes because with it, you may bless and communicate happiness, dispel sorrow, remove despair, cheer the fainthearted, inspire the discouraged and … [Read more…]