Sermon Synopsis Sunday August 20: “Deliver Us From Evil”


A Texan died and went to Hell; but after only a few days there, the Devil began to stew because the guy seemed to be enjoying himself. Satan went over to him and asked why he was so happy. He responded simply, “Because I feel like I’m back home on a hot June summer day.” The Devil stomped off, went directly to his boiler room and upped the temp to 100º and the humidity to 90%. He repaid the Texan a visit the following day, only to find he seemed to be even happier yet. Again the Devil asked, “Why?” The Texan replied, “Because I feel like I’m back home on a hot July summer day.” Again the Devil stormed off and again went directly to his boiler room; boosted the temp to 125, the humidity to 100%. Satan was certain this would do him in. So he showed up again the next day, but found an exhilarated Texan! “How can this be?” Satan cried out. The Texan shared, “Because I feel like I’m back home on a hot August summer day.”

Satan’s fit to be tied! He’s really ticked! So he called in all his chief advisory demons and together they came up with a brainstorm: freeze the Texan into agony. “This guy likes hot; we’ll show him!” Satan turned the temp way, way down to some insanely minus-degree temp with zero humidity. The Devil went to see him, already exuberant knowing he had made the Texan beyond miserable. But to his utter shock, the guy was jumping up and down in jubilation! That’s when the Devil heard him shouting with delight, “The Rangers have finally won the World Series!”

You didn’t know the Devil had that much power, did you? But probably not enough to help the Phillies – or the Mets.

Why not come this Sunday to learn what power the Devil – and he really does exist – does have as we continue our study
