Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 5/24: Memorial Weekend – Joyful, Gentle and Prayerful – Phil.4:4-7
My late Finnish mother-in-law, sturdy and strong, though petite, grew up during the days of the Russian incursion into her homeland. She lost her only sibling, a brother, during one of the battles. So she was never able to laser off all the emotional scars that were tattooed onto her life. Thus, when in her … [Read more…]
Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 5/17: Guest Speaker – Glenn Davis
Come this Sunday to hear guest speaker, Rev. Glenn Davis, preach from Psalm 1 in a sermon entitled “God Bless You”. It’s sure to be a message that’s nothing to sneeze about!
Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 5/10: Mother’s Day – Unholy War at Home – Phil. 4:1-3
To live above with saints I love, Oh, won’t that be glory. But to live below with saints I know, now that’s a different story.” Sadly, even in churches, personal agendas create schisms. Favoritism breeds disputes. Gossip splinters relationships. The church is supposed to be the one place where people come out of the … [Read more…]
Happy Anniversary!
This week marks the 2nd Anniversary of Faith Family Fellowship, founded May 5, 2013. We have so very much for which to be thankful: sweet fellowship, committed members, sincere worship, a simple but beautiful worship facility, and most of all, “Immanuel” – “God is With us”. Why not spend a few moments this week to … [Read more…]