Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, May 23rd: “Our Mind-Blowing God of All-Mercy”

Outside the Dallas courtroom, outraged protestors shouted their disagreement with the verdict, “No justice, no peace!” Inside the courtroom, off-duty police officer, 31-year old Amber Guyger was being led away to begin serving her 10-year sentence for killing 26-year old, Botham Jean in his own apartment. We all remember this very sad shooting back in … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, May 16th: Panel Sermon Part 2 “My Children for His Highest”

At our worship service this past Mother’s Day Sunday, our four-women panel had been providing such insightful and impactful lessons that they had learned from being a mom, they only covered half the questions posed to them. So this Sunday, we’re having them finish the remaining questions with Part 2 of our panel “sermon,” “My … [Read more…]