Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 11/08: Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Lu.20:22
Someone made the astute observation that reflects our nation’s sociological evolution: “America is still the land of opportunity. Everybody can become a taxpayer.” The subject of taxation in our good ole US of A has become the brunt of many-a-one-liner. Here’s a smattering: “The path of our civilization is paved with tax receipts.” “A … [Read more…]
Suta’s Story: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Shared via The Voice of the Martyrs’ blog This video shared via Voice Of The Martyrs USA YouTube Channel This Sunday churches around the world will be praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters as part of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Many of those churches will share the story of … [Read more…]
Sunday Sermon Synopsis for 11/01: Where can I flee from Your Presence? Ps.139:7
Moms are a lot like God in this one spooky respect. When I was a kid, I learned early on that the old wives tale about moms having eyes in the back of their head, doesn’t come anywhere close to reality! I’d be upstairs, doing something I shouldn’t have been doing, and mom would be … [Read more…]
One Year Anniversary Service
Please join us Sunday November 22 to celebrate with us the remembrance of opening “new” old building. You will have the opportunity to hear from several of our church family members as they share the history of Faith Family Fellowship from its miraculous conception back on March 23, 2013 to our current miraculous continuance. Mark … [Read more…]