Sermon Synopsis for 4/3: “Can the Dead Live Again?” Jb. 14:14

People love to express their opinion on certain weighty matters. The subject we’ll be addressing this coming Sunday is no different. Everyone has opinion on “Life after Death”; but all those opinions are as diverse as the people who voice them. I illustrate this point with a handful of contemporary quotes from ordinary American folk … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for 3/27 (Easter Sunday): Why do you look for the living among the dead? Lu. 24:5

If you want to savor a good Mexican dinner, then don’t go to Giuseppe’s Restaurant. If want to read a good piece of literary achievement, I recommend you don’t turn to Dr. Seuss. If you wish to enjoy some quality acting, then visit the State Theater in Easton or the Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for 3/20 (Palm Sunday): Why are You Untying that Colt? Luke 19:31&33

Some of life’s biggest events would’ve never taken place had they not been preceded by some of life’s most seemingly insignificant incidents. Who would’ve ever guessed that when one of our church couples was driving down Bushkill Center Rd. and saw a front yard sign advertising an antiques sale, that within a year, our church … [Read more…]