Sermon Synopsis for Sunday November 25th: “Is the Bible All We Need to Know?”

According to a recent study by “Pew Research,” the average American reads four books per year. This statistic finds me pretty – average. Now of course, this research encompassed books of every genre, everything from fiction to non-fiction, from sci-fi to self-help, from mysteries to biographies, and from romance to religion. But more important than … [Read more…]

Sermon Synopsis for Sunday November 18th: “How Do We Interpret the Bible?”

To say that my wife remains less than enamored with football is a gross understatement. To her, this favorite American pastime is but a melee of grown men (notice, she doesn’t say mature men), adorned in colorful leotards and oversized hard hats, attacking the weirdest shaped ball she’s ever seen. She insists there is neither … [Read more…]