Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, January 2nd: “Don’t Look Down”


Too many among the unchurched in our culture accuse us of hypocrisy. They criticize us as spiritual snobs who deem ourselves as better than everybody else, that we persistently look down on others. Man, I hope they’re wrong.

However, I’m more concerned about how we view each other, that is, within the Church. Do some of us look down on others of us because they don’t measure up to our spiritual standards? “So & So won’t miss a party, but she sure skips worship a lot.” “So & So sits glued before the TV to watch his favorite sport’s team play, but he never attends Growth Group.” “Such & Such couple makes time for friends outside the church family, but rarely inside.”

Oh, there’s no way we would ever verbalize such judgmental grudges – except when we take to gossip. Please join us this Sunday to hear how God would rather have us treat one another within our church family.