Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, June 6th: “The Body of Christ”


As a kid growing up, I ate, drank and dreamt baseball. It was a virtual god in my life. Every idle moment I was bowing before my idol. I lived to shag flyballs and swing for the fences, to swipe a base and gun down runners at home plate. But at that age, I pondered none of the physiological processes that baseball requires.

But think about it, you need eyes to see the ball. You need hands to catch the ball. You need arms to swing the bat. You need legs to run the bases. You need lungs to fuel oxygen to the body. You need a brain to make the right decisions for every play. Simply put, you need your whole body. Otherwise your play will be impaired.

In this regard, the Church is a whole lot like baseball. It has eyes, hands, arms, legs, lungs and a brain, only these body parts are us (excluding the Brain Who is Jesus). You and me, we’re one of those vital body parts. When God drafted us onto His Team at the moment we trusted in His Son as our Savior, He assigned us a role to play on His Team, which He fittingly and purposefully named the “Body of Christ.”
Why not join us this Sunday morning for our OUTDOOR worship service as we learn more about this unbeatable Team managed by God?

