Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, October 25th: “God’s Got Our Back” (Part 3)


Dent and Cindy’s property had become a raging river. Louise got body-slammed with Covid-19. Amy, Delores and Ed have been receiving treatments for the “C” word. So when we hear those other words from Scripture, “If God is for us, then who could ever be against us?” what could they possibly mean? They come across as rather insincere, at best – some might even say, cruel.

How about you if you profess to believe in Jesus? Are you perplexed by their seeming disconnect with reality? Are you despairing of the supposed Hope you have in Christ? Or worse, have you grown embittered by your once entrenched perception of God’s presumed Good Nature? If God is for us, then why do all these bad things happen to us?

This is a logical question to ask, but it may just be the wrong question. Please join us this Sunday morning in person or virtually as we conclude our three-part sermon on God having our backs. We will be addressing the “right” question to ask.
