Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, February 16th: “The Adamvirus”


China has been on lockdown for over a month. Planes, trains and automobiles are all being curtailed, leaving some hot-spot cities looking like ghost towns. Panic simmers just below the surface of people’s persona, for the Coronavirus has got the world on edge. The numbers of infected are staggering, with the death toll ever-climbing – and there’s no end in sight. Trying to stop its spread continues to challenge some of the medical field’s greatest minds. Shutting down the Coronavirus has proven to be a monumental, if not an improbable task. Hopefully soon, this pestilence will end.

There’s another disease that hasn’t received anywhere near the media-coverage of the Coronavirus, yet its infected numbers dwarf the current plague. In fact, everyone who has ever lived has been contaminated with this strain. There’s not today, and never has been, a single person who has escaped this lethal disease. But there is good news to report here, that though the mortality rate unswervingly holds at 100%, there is a cure. “Now wait a minute! You just said, ‘Everyone dies, but there’s a cure.’ That’s a direct contradiction.”

Is it? Why not attend this Sunday morning to hear more about this certain-death, curable disease? Come and learn about “The Adamvirus.”
