Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, January 19th: “A Dying Friendship”


All of us know the hurt of friendships turned south. We had been BFF’s (Best Friends Forever), but the forever part proved to be short-lived. I submit to you that if we were to assess our many friendships we currently enjoy, then a more accurate acronym to capture these relationships would be BFC’s, that we’re Best Friends Currently.

Not long after my wife, Mari, came to personal faith in Jesus, some of her BFF’s began to pull away; these friendships started heading in a southerly direction. She was wounded; and no matter how doggedly she tried to preserve these people in her life, they kept withdrawing. She felt betrayed; for whom she had presumed were her BFF’s, had actually been her BFC’s. Mari experienced a few very painful dying friendships – close relationships that turned south.

My wife experienced another dying friendship, but this one turned north. “Say what?” Well, this friendship, unlike all her others, didn’t start out as a BFF; Mari didn’t even know this other to-be-friend. She had heard of Him – and had even given Him token acknowledgment most Sundays, especially on His birthday every year; but they were far from BFF’s. But because this to-be-friend had died for her, they became BFF’s. Their friendship didn’t end in death; it started w/ death – and this friendship will never end. Yea, Mari and Jesus are BFF’s.

Please come this Sunday to learn more about this One Who desires to be your BFF too, in the sermon I’ve entitled, “A Dying Friendship.”
