Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, January 12th: “A Peace-Full Life”


“Death to America!” reverberated throughout the overcrowded streets of Tehran just this past week in protest to the recent killing of their Major General, Qasem Soleimani. Since Christmas, Chairman Kim Jung Un of North Korea has ramped up his rhetoric to resume his nation’s long-range nuclear weapons testing. Hong Kong continues its now 10-month protest for a more democratic society and greater freedoms that have been denied its populace by its ruling government, the People’s Republic of China. Then there’s the ongoing terrorist activities of such organizations as Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, ISIS, the Taliban – and scores more that have changed the foreseeable future, making no place safe anymore.

Now add to all this international unrest, all the personal tribulations of life – family and friendship eruptions, financial insecurities, addictions, mental disorders, etc., etc. – the term “peace” is more a platitude than any true sense of reality. Peace? It’s just one of the big talking points used by politicians, many whose lives betray no small measure of turmoil.

Peace? These is none – UNLESS! you enjoy an intimate and abiding relationship with the Prince of Peace, Who is Jesus. Why not come out this Sunday as we unpack more of this hope in a message entitled, “A Peace-Full Life”?
