Sermon Synopsis for Sunday, December 1st: “Jesus Came to Serve”


One of my very least favorite Christmas songs is the perennial favorite of many children, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Now I possess no yearning to be a Mr. Scrooge who “Bah! Humbugs!” the annual holiday, much less do I wish to be another grinch who steals the Christmas spirit from the kiddos. At the same time, I don’t argue that the yuletide ditty is cute and gets children all charged up in anticipation of the big day.

So why don’t I care for this Christmas carol? Well it, like too many seasonal others, pilfers away the focus from where it ought to be, on Jesus and Jesus only!

For the month of December, we are going to restore the focus back onto Him. For four consecutive Sundays, starting this coming Sunday, we are going to examine four rather unfamiliar Incarnation Bible passages that give four different reasons why Jesus Christ already came to town – to earth. Why not join us for the entire month and hear the several reasons why Jesus Christ already came to town, starting this week with the message entitled, “Jesus Came to Serve.”
