Back on Sunday, January 18, 2015, Pastor Nguyen Hong Quang of Vietnam and his associate pastor were attacked by 5 men near the Bible college he had founded and still leads. The attack, though unprovoked,was especially vicious. A torrent of rocks and bricks pelted the two ministers until they collapsed. Even then, their attackers continued the assault, kicking and stomping them repeatedly. Pastor Quang suffered a broken nose, broken ribs, broken teeth and a broken jaw. One more thing most pertinent here – this was not the first time Pastor Quang had been mugged by thugs, as per his testimony later:
“When God called me, I knew I must pay the price for the Lord. I’ve been in jail 7 times and they have tried to assassinate me 4 times”.
Pastor Quang serves as a 21st century example of what was all-too-common during the New Testament era. Come this Sunday to learn about Epaphroditus, a 1st century servant of Christ who didn’t let a little thing like his death bed get in his way of ministry.