Sermon Synopsis for Sunday July 21st: “What’s in Store for You? – Part 3”


If the Bible is true, Christians are destined for heaven, with all its accompanying blessings: no more sickness or sadness, no more disability or death. They will be reunited with loved ones who loved Jesus during this phase of life. And best, they will meet Him up close and personal and reside in His Presence forever! However, this ineffable climax does not preclude even one Christian from having to answer for how he or she conducted his or her earthly experience.

Why not come out this Sunday to hear Part 3 (of 3) in the sermon I’ve entitled, “What’s in Store for You?” Since God is Perfectly Fair, He will mete out to all Christians exactly what they deserve. Now yes, every Christian will reside in Heaven eternally, but no two Christians will receive the same reward. The more one has proven resolute to the Christian Cause in this life, the more rewarded he or she will be in the next. So, don’t you want to ensure you are, in Jesus’ words,
