Sermon Synopsis for Sunday July 7th: “What’s in Store for You?” (Part 1)



We’ve all heard the expression, “He’s so Heavenly-minded that he’s no earthly good;” or “she.” I beg to differ. I believe the reality is quite the opposite. You see, if the Bible is truly God’s Self-revelation to us, then it’s exceedingly more accurate to say, “He’s so Heavenly-minded that he’s so earthly good;” or “she.”

I wish to protract this premise in order to introduce the subject of this coming Sunday’s sermon by making this claim: “When we’re so Heavenly-minded, we’re laying down a deposit of eternal reward.” How did Jesus put it when He visited our sphere? “Store your treasures in Heaven.” In other words, when we do good here and now, God will bless us accordingly there and then. The Bible declares elsewhere: “Whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” When we do good, we produce good. When we do bad … You get it.

Why not come out this Sunday as we begin a three-part sermon answering this question of profound import, “What’s in Store for You?”
