Sermon Synopsis for Sunday December 9th: “The WORD was God”

We just finished our fall sermon series on “The Book Above All Books;” and just how special is the Bible? So special that it reveals to us the sole object that surpasses even its Glory: The Written Word of God only being superseded by the Walking WORD of God, the Person of Jesus, for Whom the entire Christmas season derives its very existence. Jesus is the First and Final, the Infinite and the Indispensable, the True and the Trustworthy, Walking “WORD” of God.
So starting this Sunday and continuing through the rest of December, we’re going to “Dig Deeper” (our 2018 motto) into the Written Word of God to learn more about the Walking “WORD” of God. In the first 18 verses of the Apostle John’s Gospel, he discloses the mystery behind the Christmas Baby. Simply called the “WORD,” each week we’ll probe a different facet of what these verses unveil about Him; this week, Who He really is! Why not attend the entire series? Your choice may just elevate this Christmas above all your prior Christmases. 