Sermon Synopsis for Sunday September 2: “It Will Be History”


Some within the Christian community like to quip, “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.” Now if I may, I’d like to slightly modify this statement to better conform it with Scripture: “I do know some of what the future holds, for I know the One Who foretold the future.”

Now let me be clear here: I do know some of what the future holds, but far from all of it. For example, I don’t know if the stock market will crash in the next decade. I don’t know if Oprah Winfrey will run for the Presidency in the 2020 election. I don’t know if my book, “The Church that Miracles Built,” will climb onto the New York Times Bestseller’s list. (You can see, I really do believe in miracles.) I don’t know if America will still be among the world’s leading powers in a half century. (What I do know here is that I won’t be around in 2068 to find out.)

In last Sunday’s sermon, we observed how God had spoken in time past and it came to pass in time – yet not everything He predicted. There is still some unfinished history, what we call prophecy, yet to play out on history’s stage. Why not attend this Sunday to hear more about what the future holds in the sermon entitled, “It Will Be History?”

