Sermon Synopsis for Sunday August 26: “It Must Be History”




Now I don’t mean to sound melodramatic here, but a few words from our former President Abraham Lincoln’s most famous speech certainly seems applicable in our day: “We are engaged in a great civil war.” Not since our country’s Civil War have we been so divided as a nation: red states – blue states, capitalism – socialism, white race – black race, straight – gay, wall – no wall, Trump – never Trump, and now Kavanaugh – Kava-nah!

It’s at a time like now that I wish God had included in His Scriptures somewhere, some revelation of hope regarding our beloved country. I wish He had foretold a glorious reconciliation among our people regarding our current 21st century DisUnited States of America. No such “luck;” make that providence for our good ole U.S. of A. The Bible is silent regarding America’s future; but it is not silent regarding the future!

Why not come out this Sunday to hear about what the prophet, Daniel, had to say in this regard in the first of a two-part message? In this first part, we will see that there is no place in all the Bible quite like this passage, for it goes into such predictive detail that scholarly Bible skeptics vehemently deny its prophetic nature and insist it must be history.
