Sermon Synopsis for Sunday August 5: “Worried Sick”


You’ve instructed your teen, “You can have the car, but be home by 11.” 11 comes and no teen. You’re worried sick. You’re late paying the mortgage – again – and the bank sends a final notice with a foreclosure date. You’re worried sick. Just last week, my wife gave a whole new meaning to the term, “bee hives.” She got stung and hives broke out from noggin to knee. Within a half hour, her blood pressure plummeted to 67/40 and she dove into anaphylactic shock. We both were worried sick.

We face all sorts of trials that often leave us feeling worried sick. We’re not truly sick, but we can’t convince our bodies otherwise: our stomach is in knots; we’re dropping weight because we’ve lost our appetite; we can’t sleep at night and we look like the walking dead more and more each day. Life seems to keep serving us a smorgasbord of hardships. We’re not sick – we just feel like we are.

What’s the common thread that weaves all our adversities into one, miserable looking tapestry? Not knowing how our trial is going to end. We feel helpless because the outcome is still up in the air.

As we continue our study in the book of Daniel this Sunday, we’ll be learning how this man who had it altogether emotionally and spiritually, shared our experience of feeling “worried sick.” But interestingly enough, his emotional upheaval only intensified when he learned the outcome to a vision he had about the future. Why not come out this Sunday to hear more?
