Sermon Synopsis Sunday July 8: “The Handwriting Is on the Wall”


When things at work haven’t been going well and your boss tells you he wants you to come to his office – and sitting at his conference table is the HR rep – “the handwriting is on the wall.” When your son says he can’t find his most recent school Report Card on the very day he is scheduled to bring it home with him, “the handwriting is on the wall.” When your “boyfriend” tells you he’s busy Friday night, Saturday night too, but may be able to carve out an hour or two to see you on Sunday afternoon, “the handwriting is on the wall.” We all know what this familiar idiom means, a portent of something not-so-favorable.

But did you know how the phrase came about? Come this Sunday to find out – for if you don’t, the handwriting may just appear on your wall. Just kidding – but I believe you’ll be enriched by what you hear.

